
About Noodles 

Noodles was a kitten that lived inside a fenced in low-income apartment complex on Niagara Street near Central Park. He was one of 20 other cats that lived inside a large crack inbetween two buildings which had heat somehow, for these cats to survive. I would place the food outside the fence for them and they would crawl under the fence to get the food. One day I placed a kitten trap outside the fence, and in Noodles went. Noodles went from feral to non-feral in no time at all, as he was only about two months old. He also had a deformity on his face, which left him looking like he was half smiling -almost a cleft palate. After fostering, he was adopted by a wonderful couple who adore him to this day!



About Cammy 

Cammy was a poor pathetic looking kitty on Central Avenue near Fifth Street – I would feed there amongst at least four other cats and he would always keep his distance from me. After a spring, a summer, a cold winter and then spring again, he finally began to trust me and would get closer and closer. One day, he got close enough to grab him by the scruff and off he went into the carrier. A rescue group took him in and because he was not the prettiest at the time, it took a while before he could be adopted. A family saw him, met him, fell in love; the rest is history. Cammy was one spoiled little boy for the rest of his life, and he still is!